Sunday, November 9, 2008


  • A summary of what you have learned from the chapter readings.
  • Compare what you have learned from the reading with what you have experienced in life so far
The Chapter outlined several key points and strategies for the different teaching perspectives. To me it all boils down to one thing. Nothing is, or should be, off the table. Once again I don't think labeling yourself as any one type is beneficial. What we have to do as educators is be able to adapt to the kids we have at the time. It's a good thing to keep in mind but we're always going to go back to the way we learned best. Only when we see the class not getting it are we going to make a change. WE should be able to do that, and I think thats where this chapter is useful because it gives us those different perspectives we may not otherwise come up with on our own.

  • Describe how keeping this journal has helped you organize ideas for teaching; come up with new ideas; etc.
This is my note taking place, I may end up copy and pasting some of the discussion board to this toward the end of the semester

  • Comment on anything new and exciting you have learned from the discussion boards that you feel will help you in becoming a teacher.
It think in general the discussion board really helped me this week because it showed me how to prepare a lesson plan of for a specific time within a larger topic. It was interesting to look back into the Women's Suffrage time period and try to come up with questions and activities that would relate that period in time to today.

3. The question for this week is: Find another school district's website (this will be your third) outside of your hometown and/or Springfield (or the city you live in). Make sure that this school district is in a different state. Copy and paste (or type) the link into your blog. Answer the following questions about the school district in your blog:

  • Would you want to teach in this particular school district?
    Absolutely, best I've seen, of course it is a charter school so thats probably why.
  • What makes this school district stand out from others that you found on the Internet?
Of 21 reviews none I have seen are negative. Everyone seems to take pride in the academic and social programs that truly prepare kids for college and life beyond.
  • Are there specific features that this school district has to offer that you hadn't thought of before? What are they? If not, what would you like?
Honestly I hadn't thought about private or charter schools before because I had never been exposed to them. I like the push the kids get academically and socially that puts them on track to succeed regardless of their personal aspirations.
  • Would you ever consider applying for a job at this school district? Why or why not?
Yes but probably not until I had some significant experience, These schools seem to only choose the best, which is great but I cannot honestly believe you can pretend to be that until you've lived it.
  • Based on what we've learned so far in this class, how does this school district measure up?
Best I have seen in terms of performance and standards, I love New Orleans, and being as I have been there and seen some of the poor neighborhoods ( before Katrina) and what seems to be a lack of possibilities for kids in those areas. This schools seems like a beacon of hope, and being that it is based on performance rather than on income. Granted the admissions standards are high, but it gives kids, and parents who want more an opportunity.

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